
This year we have had a larger amount of humming birds then we ever had around our home. I have learned a lot while watching them too.

I’ve learned that hummingbirds are territorial, and will attack other birds. I’ve also learned they live up to four years and their babies are as small as the tip of your pinky.  Hummingbirds travel to Mexico every year too. That’s a far travel for a little bird! 

My day out at Sullivan’s Pond

Sullivan’s Pond is a great place to go for a walk, maybe take your kids to feed the geese, and even see the memorial statue is quite the site to see, and every year there is a tree lighting ceremony, where the community comes together. Every year I have gone, there are songs to be sung, and joy to be spread. It’s truly a sight to be seen. Continue reading “My day out at Sullivan’s Pond”